Apple has announced that it will release the Apple Watch in the not-too-distant future, which seems to ignite the spark of the MIM smart wearable device market; moreover, the MIM smart wearable device is moving forward with each passing day, becoming more and more beautiful This year, we may also see MIM smart wearable……
The gate, also known as the feed port, is a channel connecting the runner and the melt in the cavity. Choosing the right gate is directly related to whether the injection products are intact and injection molded with high quality. Gate design includes the determination of gate cross-sectional shape and size and the cho……
The design of MIM parts is similar to plastic injection molding. In the previous article, we introduced the guidelines for choosing the MIM process. Since it is not limited by the traditional metal forming process, part designers can reimagine new parts from a new perspective, imagine how the production process can red……
In the MIM process, the function of the binder is to fill the pores between the powders to reduce the friction between the metal powders, so that the shot has fluidity and can be ejected, but after the embryo body is formed, its task has been completed and must be removed. Because in the MIM formula, due to the relativ……
一个好的技术特点,可以为技术,带来不一样的作用,也为它的优势,大大的添加了一笔,这就是技术特点,所具备的好 处,MIM金属注射成型就是其中的一个,那么对于MIM工艺主要技术特点是怎么样的,下面让贝斯特来跟大家详细讲解一下。 1、适 合 各种粉末材料的成形,产品应用十 分广泛。 2、原材料利用率高,生产自……
Powder metallurgy high-speed steel refers to the fine high-speed steel powder obtained by atomizing high-speed molten steel with high-pressure inert gas or high-pressure water, and then pressed and formed under high temperature and high pressure, and then sintered. Shenzhen Best Precision Powder Metallurgy High Speed S……
The MIM process combines the flexibility of injection molding design with the high strength and integrity of precision metals to achieve low-cost solutions for highly complex geometric parts. The MIM process is divided into four unique processing steps (mixing, forming, degreasing, and sintering) to realize the product……
With the increasingly important status of Chinese manufacturing in the world, the factories of internationally renowned manufacturing companies in China have gradually transferred orders from foreign MIM companies to domestic MIM industries for production. However, due to the development level of Chinese MIM companies ……
原料 -混合,批与批原料的变化。 成型 -固有的工艺变化拍摄到拍摄成型机相关的以及其作为名显复杂的集成控制。 腔体 -主要来自工具腔,灌装系统的差异,以及之间的变化随着时间的推移腔磨损. 炉 -在去结合和烧结炉对炉差异有关 放置 -的变化,由于热加工设备中的位置的差异 日 -正常的日常波动……
Facing such a developed society, various technologies have also been developed. Just like MIM technology. MIM is a molding method that injects a plastic mixture of metal powder and its binder into the mold. It is to mix the selected powder with the binder first, then granulate the mixture and then inject into the desir……
金属粉末冶金注射成型工艺由于兼具尺寸复杂性和量产性,相对粉末压制成型以及精密铸造好很多。那么金属粉末注射成型的核心工艺难点有哪些呢?下面贝斯特精工为您讲解 1、第壹个问题就是共注射过程界面形貌控制。这个问题对于双色和同步共注射比较简单,但夹芯粉末共注射成形中,容易出现两个问题,第壹个是注射时出现前沿突破,第……
Copyright: Shenzhen Best Precision Technology Co., Ltd.|Metal powder injection molding factory, manufacturer, customized company, supplier, process parts 粤ICP备18054342号